
Marketing to Attorneys
Hey there, Divorce Financial Planners! Nancy Hetrick here, and let me tell you, if you’re not marketing to family law attorneys, you’re missing out on the golden goose—or should I say, the golden briefcase?

I’m Troubled…..And it Might Be Your Fault
I got the results early for the 2023 IDFA survey of CDFA® holders and at first, I was really thrilled about the results….then I went “hold on. Wait a minute!”

What Can I Do With My CDFA® Credential?
The profession of Financial Planner is evolving rapidly. From Robo-advisors to online planning platforms, technology has made a great deal of the day-to-day work of a planner no longer needed.

Separate Property Tracing Subtleties
I was hired by an attorney and client, Husband, to review and rebut a Separate Property Tracing done for the Wife’s retirement plans. As I reviewed it and all the corresponding statements going back to 2010, it was immediately apparent that many statements were missing and not provided.

What Every High Achiever Has Conquered
When you observe high achievers, what do you think? I used to think things like, “They have something I don’t have. They were obviously very lucky. There’s no way I could ever achieve like that.”

Stepping It Up
I had a really fun initial consultation yesterday. A gastroenterologist physician married to a nurse-anesthetist. Fall right into my ideal client avatar! The fun part was when I asked him how he heard of me.

How a Pandemic Changed My Business
As we largely have returned to some semblance of new normal after the Pandemic, I realized this week that my business looks very different now.

How I Unwittingly Became a Believer in Collaborative Divorce
This week I worked on two different Collaborative Divorce Cases. I’ve grown to really like the Collaborative Process but boy, it didn’t start that way!

Why is it so hard?
I’m on my quarterly CEO Retreat with 4 other business owners and taking 2 solid days just to plan, strategize, create the vision and plan the execution of our goals.