Stepping It Up

May 27, 2022
Nancy Hetrick, CDFA®, MAFF®, AWMA®
I had a really fun initial consultation yesterday. A gastroenterologist physician married to a nurse anesthetist. Fall right into my ideal client avatar! The fun part was when I asked him how he heard of me.
He started by explaining that they have been in the litigation process since last November and he’s been struggling to find someone to help him digest all the financial aspects of the divorce and help strategize.
“He then told me he had called four other financial professionals in town, 3 CDFAs and they all said, “I’m not really able to do that level of work. Call Nancy Hetrick.”
Now, as flattering as that is, it made me sad. Why is it that you would invest in getting this credential and then park it on the shelf? SO MANY PEOPLE NEED US!!!!!
Here’s the even crazier part. This couple is in a high conflict divorce. I estimate I will bill $5,000-$10,000 before it’s done. Then, after the settlement, he will have about a million dollars in IRA accounts that are not currently being managed. So the lifetime value of this client will be over $150,000 to my bottom line. Imagine doing a case like this every single month! You could easily add 10-15 million in AUM every year with NO ADDITIONAL COSTS!
And here’s the thing. I get it. When I got my CDFA, I had no idea where to start and I made a LOT of mistakes. And I’m really stubborn. Having been through my own divorce and feeling called to this work, I simply determined that failure was not an option, and quitting was not an option.
And when I discovered how POWERFUL this work is, I became equally as determined to build an army and help CDFA holders do this work at a higher level, help tons of people, and achieve their own financial goals in the process.
Are you one of the 27%? The newest IDFA survey reported that only 27% of us are doing more than 10 cases per year. Do you want to be one of the EXCEPTIONAL?
Don’t recreate the wheel. I spent 10 years screwing up so you don’t have to! LOL… I’ve put together all my most successful marketing, process, and systems ideas so you can jump in a speedboat to your goals.
Join me in June if you are up for the challenge. Ready to #GetRealGetResults? Join me in June for our next Business Blastoff. You’ll be glad you did!
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