
3 Reasons You May Need A Mentor

3 Reasons You May Need A Mentor

3 Reasons You May Need A Mentor 21 AUGUST, 2017 Nancy A Hetrick You probably got your CDFA™ for the same reasons that I did. Perhaps you went through your own divorce or were a child of divorce and are compelled to help those going through it. Or maybe you’re more...

The Art of the Financial Neutral

The Art of the Financial Neutral

The Art of the Financial Neutral 21 JULY, 2017 Nancy A Hetrick As I do more and more mentoring of new CDFAs, I am realizing that taking the role of the financial neutral comes with unique challenges and I believe, great opportunities. It's definitely an art, and this...

Expert Witness or Punching Bag?

Expert Witness or Punching Bag?

Expert Witness or Punching Bag? 1 JULY, 2017 Nancy A Hetrick Yesterday I had the pleasure of serving as an expert witness for the first time at the divorce trial of one of my clients.  Now the vast majority of my clients are either using mediation or another...

Top 5 Mistakes of Divorce Financial Planners

Top 5 Mistakes of Divorce Financial Planners

Top 5 Mistakes of Divorce Financial Planners 6 MARCH, 2017 Nancy A Hetrick Even though we’ve been around for a long time, it really does feel like our specialty is just now coming into its own. As I grow my practice and train financial advisors around the country to...

Finding Waste in Divorce Cases

Finding Waste in Divorce Cases

Finding Waste in Divorce Cases 08 FEBRUARY, 2017 Nancy A Hetrick As a CDFA® certificant, one of the responsibilities incumbent on you is ensuring full financial disclosure and clarity for our client whether we are serving as an advocate or a neutral. There are a few...

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