How COVID-19 Could Propel Your Divorce Business
MARCH, 2020
Nancy A Hetrick
The last two weeks for financial advisors have been just a wee bit challenging! If you’ve been in the business less than 12 years, this might be the first significant market event in your career! And if you haven’t trained your clients well, your phone might be ringing off the hook and you’re trying to talk people off the ledge while talking yourself off the ledge in your own mind! STRESS!!!
BUT – I think we might have a golden opportunity. The way I see it, peak COVID-19 catagion will occur in the US in about 2-4 weeks. With all of the event cancellations, work from home orders, fear mentality, I think it is HIGHLY probable that there will be a 2-3 week period when pretty much no one is going anywhere and you are working from home. The market will have bottomed out, wherever that bottom is, and your phones will go oddly quiet.
“Time to work on your business is a rare gift. Get ready to milk it for all it’s worth. “
The Gift Of Time
You could have 2-3 weeks of focused, available time to BUILD YOUR BUSINESS!!! How will you maximize this opportunity so that when the bounce-back starts in June, you are going to hit the ground running? First, craft your marketing strategy. Where will you network? Who are the potential referral partners you could reach out to and do zoom meetings to get to know each other. They’re home too! Get all your client forms up and ready to roll. Refine your client processes so that when they do hire you, you are offering Champagne service.
Using Your Rare Gift
Time to work ON your business and not IN it is a rare, rare gift. Get ready to milk it for all it’s worth! You might consider doing some of the webinar trainings we offer on Divorce Financial Training or order my new textbook to get some clarity about your plan.
Make it count!
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