What Every High Achiever Has Conquered

April 11, 2023
Nancy Hetrick, CDFA®, MAFF®, AWMA®
The profession of Financial Planner is evolving rapidly. From Robo-advisors to online planning platforms, technology has made a great deal of the day-to-day work of a planner no longer needed. There! I said it! We have to be willing to shine the light on our profession and realize that it’s time to have different conversations with more specific audiences with VERY specific needs—the power of the Super-Niche.
While there are many available niches for planners, those that have personal or family experience with divorce are often compelled to help this group. I know when I went through my own divorce in 2007, I was horrified by the lack of my attorney’s financial knowledge and the crazy criminal process that had me questioned as a witness by my ex’s attorney. Was there a crime I didn’t know about? I felt totally interrogated and made to feel guilty for my very existence. What the heck? Is this REALLY how this process works?
Join us in June to start learning the disciplines that will GUARANTEE this year is different. There’s a virtual option and a money-back guarantee. Be stronger than your excuses.
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