#Covidivorce and Preparing For Virtual Work
APRIL, 2020
Nancy A Hetrick
The craziness continues! I hope you’re investing in your divorce business because my friends, the divorce epidemic is about to spread. Can you imagine being locked in your home 24/7 with someone you don’t want to be around? Not to mention the financial stresses that are weighing on people now as well? It’s time for us to prepare!
There are no guarantees that our stay at home orders will be lifted anytime soon. What if they aren’t? Are we dead in the water? Heck no! We have ZOOM (my personal favorite), GoToMeeting, or Skype and there is no reason we can’t keep right on doing business. You just have to get the word out!
“There is no reason we can’t keep right on doing business. “
How to Get Busy
This week, we added a banner to our homepage that says “Now offering 100% online mediation – CONTACT US today to get started” as well as a pop-up box that says “During this COVID-19 outbreak, Smarter Divorce Solutions is fully operational and able to do 100% online mediation. The courts are cancelling hearings, but we’re here! With video conferencing, we can navigate through your entire divorce process from the comfort of your home.”
What have you done to make sure the public, and your referral partners, know that you can work remotely? Now is your chance to make sure that you are positioned as the first responder for all those couples that are about to be infected with #Covidivorce.
For a deep-dive discussion on marketing in this environment, join us on April 17 at 10 am PDT for a FREE webinar, Market Like a Pro in 30 Minutes a Day.
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