Marketing To Attorneys

What Every High Achiever Has Conquered | Divorce Financial Training

September 7, 2023

Nancy Hetrick, CDFA®, MAFF®, AWMA®

Hey there, Divorce Financial Planners! Nancy Hetrick here, and let me tell you, if you’re not marketing to family law attorneys, you’re missing out on the golden goose—or should I say, the golden briefcase? 🤣

Family law attorneys are the gatekeepers to the clients you want. They’re the ones who can say, “Hey, you need to talk to a financial planner about this mess,” and voila! You’re in business.

1. Speak Their Language

First things first, you’ve got to speak their language. I don’t mean legalese, although that helps. I mean you need to understand their pain points. Attorneys want their clients to have a smooth divorce process, and you can help make that happen. So, when you approach them, don’t just talk about what you do—talk about how you can make their lives easier. It’s like dating; you don’t just talk about yourself the whole time, right? (If you do, we need to have a different conversation.)

2. Offer Value First

You know that old saying, “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”? Well, it’s time to get scratching. Offer to do a free seminar for their clients about the financial pitfalls of divorce. Or write a killer article they can include in their newsletter. Give them something they can’t resist, and they’ll be more likely to send clients your way.

3. Network, Network, Network

I can’t stress this enough. You’ve got to get out there and shake some hands, virtually or otherwise. Attend family law conferences, join legal associations, and don’t be shy about reaching out on LinkedIn. And please, have a decent profile picture. No one wants to network with someone who looks like they took their photo with a polaroid.

4. Be Consistent

You can’t just send one email or attend one event and expect the referrals to roll in. You’ve got to be like that annoying jingle from a commercial—stick in their minds. Send regular updates about what you’re up to, how you’ve helped clients, or even changes in financial laws related to divorce. Keep yourself on their radar, and when they need a financial planner, you’ll be the first one they think of.

5. Show Your Success

Last but not least, show them you’re the real deal. Share case studies or testimonials (anonymized, of course) that demonstrate how you’ve helped people navigate the financial maze of divorce. Attorneys want to know that you’re not just all talk. Show them you can walk the walk.

So there you have it, folks. Marketing to family law attorneys is like building any relationship—it takes time, effort, and a little bit of charm. But the payoff is worth it. Now go out there and make me proud! 🌟

Until next time, keep crunching those numbers and changing lives!

Nancy Hetrick, signing off. ✌️

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